Your Biggest Training Mistake


Do you know what it means to be fit?

Definition of fitness:

The capability of the body distributing inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue during increased physical effort. 

Why am I telling you this?

It is the lack of fundamental understanding of the word “fitness” that is preventing you from achieving your physical goals.

Every client I have worked with, when it came to talking about their goals, always produced the same initial answer, “I want to get fit.” I have yet to meet someone that wants to improve the capability of distributing inhaled oxygen to muscle tissue! Even people training for endurance events are more concerned about having a six pack on the start line than making sure they can actually complete the entire distance without injury to themselves. 

Every person has a different understanding of what fitness means to them. Where does that understanding come from?

We develop our concepts by what we experience in our day to day life. If I am working with professional rugby players, my version of fitness will be focused around size, stamina and power. If I spend my days reading magazines, my version of fitness will be low body fat percentage, high muscle definition and usually, big arms and a tan. Since we have multiple experiences of physical activity and what is deemed as physical beauty, people start to develop contradictions. To have the strength to pull an airplane, whilst being as muscularly defined as Zac Efron and be able to beat Mo Farah in a marathon. These are contradictions and can not exist in the real world. Where there is a contradiction, you must always check your premise.

Do you want to achieve your physical goals? Then take a seat and ask yourself these questions.

What do I want to achieve? (Mention specifics. If it’s to lose weight, by how much? To run a certain distance fast, by what time?)

Why do I want to achieve it?

What do I believe I will be able to do once I have achieved it?

When do I want to achieve this by?

Is this possible?

Will I need help from a professional?

What are my biggest obstacles?

To achieve what you actually want requires thought and planning. This will enable you to do is work out what you actually want and give you clarity. Once you know what you want, you have clarity and a plan, the rest of your decision making processes will be easy, as long as you do the work. 

Message me with your answers and lets see what we can achieve!