Flabby Belly To Beach Body Ready

"I swear to never do another sit up" - These words will fall out of your mouth. Stripping down just got a lot easier.

From my first ever gym session I became obsessed with chasing "the six pack." In my mind a six pack meant that I would be more attractive, confident, smarter and a genuinely better human being - obviously.  

I spent countless hours repping out infinite amounts of sit ups. Still I was nowhere I wanted it to be. I can remember my Friday nights, in the gym cursing the names of friends who were ripped and spent more time in fast food chains than working out for them. It would get so late the gym cleaner (Michael) counted my reps as a way of speeding me up so I would leave and he could go home.

During this time I learned the secrets that will save you hours, months and years of wasted time and frustrated training. I can’t wait for you to get started. The ecstasy you will feel as you can see your kangaroo pouch transforming into a washboard stomach will leave you looking beach body ready, all year round. Imagine whipping off your top and hearing your friends lavishing you with praise and admiration.  

"The definition of madness is repeating the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result" - Albert Einstein  

What if I told you there variations of push ups are more effective at delivering you a flatter and stronger stomach than sit ups or crunches? Also, rotation during exercise is the most under utilised, but powerful tool in your gym bag.

A push up, when executed correctly is basically a plank, whilst lifting your own body weight. Imagine how many variations this opens us up to where we challenge your core to a whole new level.

You are just a few short steps away from discovering a trade secret which took me years to fully understand.  

Watch this short video where I will teach you 5 of the best exercises to fast track your results by clicking here