How To Optimise Your Nutrition With Dr. Ted Naiman [Part 2]

Dr. Ted Naiman interview, part 2. How to optimise your nutrition.

When it comes to losing weight and getting lean, most people start with protein shakes and supplements. However, Ted Naiman believes you should be looking at how to optimise your nutrition first.

High blood pressure, how to get high protein levels on vegetarian diet and the ideal macros ratio for getting shredded are some of the topics Ted and I cover in this video. Looking at how you can optimise nutrition will often show you a few key areas you may be lacking. Starting with knowing exactly what you're putting into your body and what you currently know and believe about nutrition.

Ted Naiman and myself believe in teaching clients how to optimise your diet first, before introducing any supplements. As you progress, you will often find your biggest obstacle will be often be the simplest.