Avoid This Toxic Mindset For Permanent Weight-Loss

Most of us have heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” when it comes to exercise.

People think if they don’t push themselves to their limits, then they won’t get any value from exercising. But this type of mindset can lead to burnout and injury.

If improving your health and fitness is important to you, then, it's time to change the way you think of exercise.

Most people view exercise as a punishment for having "fun". Or, something that you must endure to achieve results.

Stop forcing yourself beyond your capabilities with each workout. Instead, focus on building your capacity for what you enjoy doing. Walking, running, strength training are all great examples. But, ff these activities aren't for you, then you can turn your attention to a sport.

The goal is to find something that gets your heart rate up and makes you feel good!

Most people know they should set goals, but few set realistic or achievable goals. For example:

"This year I will lose weight and get fit."

Yes, it is a goal, albeit a bad one. Unspecific with zero guidelines to help keep you accountable. A better alternative would be:

"By December 2023, I will be able to run a 5km park run in twenty one minutes.

To do this I will run, or walk for thirty minutes three times per week."

When your goals are clear, they are easier to achieve. This will help keep you motivated, even on days you don't feel like doing it. It also keeps you from overdoing things or getting injured due to pushing too hard too soon. You'll also find it's easier to practice better form, and prevent injuries. This means you spend less time trying to recover and more time building a lifelong habit.

Another shift you can make is by finding activities or sports that bring you joy rather than dread. Some examples for you:

- Group classes like yoga or Pilates,

- Five aside football with friends/family

- Fun runs, such as colour runs (where participants get hit with coloured powder throughout the course)

- PT sessions at Chigwell Personal Training is also a great idea!

There are plenty of options for you out there if you take the time to look. Remember, everyone is different, and what works for others may not work for you, but don't give up! There will be something out there you can enjoy, you may have to try a few things first.

As my grandad would tell me, "you have to slay a few dragons before you find the princess." Though, he wasn't talking about health and fitness at the time!

To summarise. Find a way you can make exercise more enjoyable. If you do this, you will notice your body will start to change before your eyes.