The Worst Advice A Coach Can Give A Client

"The worst advice given to people is to follow your passion". (See video link at the bottom to watch)

I love this message, and could not agree more.

It also drives me crazy when I see coaches say things like, "your "WHY" will keep you going on days you don't want to."

Knowing why you want to become active, lose weight, and get fit will not help you in the beginning, middle, or end. The most common 'whys' I hear from clients:

- To be a good role model for my kids

- To feel more confident (e.g. look more attractive to myself and others)

- I have a young family and want to be around for them when they grow up

- So I don't depend on others when I'm older

All of these are great 'whys' to have. But the problem with relying on them is that they rely on will-power, and will-power is limited. Will-power is like a sandcastle, and the waves are like daily decisions you have to make; every wave that passes over the sandcastle makes it disappear a little more.

Don't believe me? Think about a day when you have been pulled pillar to post, whether it's work, or family, at the end of the day you don't want to think, or move; all you want is to sit and switch off.

So imagine after one of these days, you're sitting on the sofa, and you remember you still have a workout to do, or a sweet tooth craving creeps in. Using your "why" to keep you going becomes a lot more difficult. And can sometimes cause you to spiral into a shame cycle, saying things like, "why can't I do this" or "I'm not good enough".

In my opinion, anyone who tells you your "why" should be strong enough to get you through the tough times are not living in reality. Instead, they live in Care Bear Land, a magical land of make believe where all your dreams come true if you wish for them enough.

But do not fret, there is a way that can help keep you moving forward, to keep you on track. It's something even more powerful than your "why", and if will-power is a sandcastle, then this is a stone castle. Able to withstand the test of time.

I am speaking of building habits.

When most people try to build a habit, they make one of three common mistakes...

1. They think they have to stick to it for 21, or 30 days (which is a complete myth)

2. They create the wrong "Gateway Habit"

3. They miss the final step in habit formation (begins with "R")

If you're interested in learning how you can build better habits so you can lose weight, get fit, and lean without falling back into your old routine, like, comment, or message me direct to learn how.