Discover The Secret No One In Fitness Is Telling You

You want to know the secret?

A secret that would enhance every aspect of your life, especially fitness, once applied.

Geoffrey Chaucer once said "Time and tide wait for no man."

What if I told you, you could turn time into your biggest asset? There is an app on your phone that can make this happen.

It's called the "Timer." 

Studies show that the human brain can only fully concentrate on one task for 6 minutes. After that we will go into autopilot or get distracted. Sound familiar?

Why is that? A big reason is because we don't know how long we are going to spend on most tasks. We get bored. 

That is why, when we use the power of the timer, we focus our minds. Make ourselves more driven, because we know, when the timer beeps, we are done. 

Give it a try. Set your timer before every exercise and complete all sets and reps within the time to push the intensity of your workout through the roof.