Gastric Killer Band

What sounds like the title of a horror film is not too far from the truth. 

Think of a time when you wanted something really bad. A time when you had to work hard to achieve it. After weeks, months and possibly even years you finally reach the day when you have reached your ultimate goal.

Do you remember how amazing that felt? 

Now think of another time when you went to achieve something. You put in minimal effort, little to no preparation and you achieved it really easily. 

How different are the feelings between the two sets of achievements? Massive i’m assuming.

According to recent studies, people that have a gastric band inserted are four times more likely to attempt suicide. During interviews with patients, over 50% had also experienced anxiety and depression. 

Daunting isn’t it? Would you have thought it would have been the opposite effect? 

Why does this happen? 

It is all to do with the mindset. When you lose weight, it’s because you work hard. Sweat pours out of places you didn’t even know could sweat during your workouts, make a conscious effort to eat healthier and all the while, you are teach yourself a new way of life. You quite literally become a better version of yourself, imagine you 2.0. 

When you result to surgery to solve your challenges, you achieve the “unearned.” The lessons you learn in the process of losing weight are not there. You do not change where it really counts. You are effectively, still the unhealthy person you were before the operation. 

In these cases, this is why people spiral downward which leads to depression and anxiety.  Your identity is not consistent with itself. You still see yourself as the “big guy/girl” when you aren’t anymore. You will never out grow the image you hold of yourself. This is something that changes on the journey of learning a new skill or overcoming challenges. 

We are naturally lazy. Always wanting to be better, but without putting in the extra effort. 

“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”  - Zig Ziglar

I challenge you to push yourself. Take a moment to imagine standing in front of your mirror, the peak of physical fitness. A role model to your friends and family. Start to get a sense of what that would feel like, then ask yourself “would I like to feel that way all the time?”

When you enjoy the journey, you will appreciate the new, confident and inspirational person you would have become. The best thing is, you can proudly stand tall and tell the world “I earned this.”

Don’t know where or how to get started? 

I invite you to come for a complimentary goal setting session where we can discuss your goals and how we can achieve them. 

Take action now by sending us a message and reserve your space. 


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