The Key To Running Faster For Longer

The secret to faster speeds and further distances isn’t what you think.

We all want to run faster, run further and continue to smash PB’s, don’t we?

I want to share a discovery I made. I noticed it when I watched Mo Farah run. How smooth his movements were. Almost as if he was a well oiled machine running on autopilot. That’s when it struck me like a bolt of lightening. 

Think of watching a runner as a film strip. The faster the film is, the less we notice about the details, agreed? When you slow it down, you can start to focus on all the mini details you missed when it was going fast. You can start to see foot placement, stride length and imbalances. 

Whilst most people aim to force out more speed. Speed drills, intervals, hill sprints, they keep going until they get to a point where frustration kicks in and they think they have reached their limit. I challenge you to try a different way. 

Super slow motion is the key. When you slow things down, you end up putting your running style under a microscope. You will pick up on all the jagged edges that are slowing you down. This is where you will find out where you need to focus and what you will need to drill to smooth out your performance.  

Yes you will feel silly the first time you do it, but what you will notice, as you go through the motions you will start picking up on small details of how you move, unexpected tension and even subconscious ticks.