The Real Question You're Secretly Asking Yourself

Why can't losing weight be easy?

Why does getting fit have to feel like hard work?

And for gods sake, why oh why doesn't the weight stay off?!

I hear this a lot...

And although the questions seem different. I've often found the real question people are asking is the same one...

"What's wrong with me?"

Trying to eat better but still feeling the temptations of a late night pizza...

"What's wrong with me?"

Sweating and feeling exhausted during exercise, whilst thinking no one else seems to struggle as much...

"What's wrong with me?"

Seeing the weight coming off after weeks of effort, and then seeing it come back on faster after a weekend of 'fun'.

"What's wrong with me?"

This cycle continues on and on until that one question finally becomes... "Is it even worth it?"

And depending on how you feel about yourself will depend what your next steps are. Whether to keep going and make it a permanent lifestyle choice, or surrender to the will of the gods.

The reason I'm sharing this with you today, and especially on a Friday. (Right before a weekend of temptation) Is because I want you to know something important...

Something that took me years to understand and accept.

There is nothing wrong with you.

The challenges you feel are the same for everyone. The only difference is some people feel them sooner than others. There will always be a form of resistance. There will always be something trying to stop you.

And it's the same in every area of life. Whether it's work, relationships, waking up early. There is always going to be a resistance.

But there is a ways to better deal with the resistance. A way you can find it easier to overcome. A way you can do battle with it and stand victorious.

I'll tell you how on Sunday so you can start next week ready to do battle. Ready to win your week.