Studies have shown this can make you live longer

Studies show drinking 2 cups of this every day can help you live longer...

But the biggest question comes down to how you like it...

Do you like it big or small?

Weak or strong?

Black or white?

In case you hadn’t guessed, we’re talking about coffee...

Coffee has become a huge part of our culture.

And although drinking it has been shown to have many benefits, there is one area you should be cautious...

In the past I have found it all too easy to try and replace sleep with coffee.

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead” I’d often tell myself. Especially as I was forever seeing motivational posts telling me to “rise and grind”.

Some people try using it as liquid energy. But it comes at a price...

Using coffee as a sleep and energy replacement is like taking out a loan.

You are borrowing energy and focus from future you, to use now.

And like every loan, it needs to be repaid...

Some people experience these repayments as burnout/veg-out days. Others keep pushing until they get ill and are forced to repay.

If you’re feeling a reliance on your morning coffee, it may be a sign for you to get an earlier night.

Sleep is good! (More on this another time)