Biggest problem affecting Londoners - Are you at risk?

There are few topics that when spoken can make people fidget in their seat. Making them feel uncomfortable.

Most people think of controversial topics involving either politics or religion. (Not in this post!).

What I'm referring to can settle in like a seed of doubt.

You can feel it grow into an insecurity...

And it's only one word...

And that word is... Posture.

Our lives today revolve around screens. Locked in to a desk or form of transport. (It's worse on trains!).

"Text neck" has become a medical term. Individuals are feeling themselves hunching forward and tightening up.

Over-stretching the back of your neck and weak mid-back muscles are the cause. It happens from looking down and slouching.

The British Heart Foundation ran a study, finding the average person sits for 9.5 hours per day. This is NOT including sleeping time!

There are some serious side effects linked to the seated lifestyle.

In the more severe cases of people, they are finding their spine beginning to distort. Leaving what looks like a lump on the back of their neck.

This is a problem I have seen time and time again.

I found after working with hundreds of clients it is one of the first areas we needed to tackle. They have all needed some help strengthening and straightening up.

Unfortunately, it has gone past the stage of getting up, stretching and walking round...

Corrective exercises are now needed. And that's what I'm about to share with you.

Our bodies are frugal, and they work on the basis of "if you don't use it, you lose it.".

The challenge is now using it to prevent losing anymore. Then to start getting it back. Never has it been more important to start right now!

If reading this made you straighten up in your seat, and get you thinking about your posture then keep reading...

Message me your email address, and I will send you a quick 30 second exercise you can do to start building strength up in your back and keep you from gaining a hunchback.