How The American Election And Lockdown Are Affecting Your Health And Fitness

American election madness is everywhere today.

And I will tell you who gets my vote and why.

Before I get to the big reveal I want to share a thought I've had about elections past and present.

First. People get very passionate. They choose a side and they tend to look at that side as their saviour. And the opposition is looked at like the 'destroyer' of their country and all the things they believe in.

Second. Up until the moment the winner is announced it can feel as dramatic as a battle between good and evil. Then the very next day something happens people don't usually expect...

Life goes on.

It doesn't matter who wins. Only one person can make an impact on your life. For better or for worse.

Now for my vote.

The person I choose to vote for is the only person I believe can make the biggest difference in my life. Myself.

That may sound cheesy. But it's true. Every day I get to wake up and decide how to live my life. I get to choose the attitude I have to face any challenges I have. I get to decide how to fill my mind and body.

I can choose to invest in myself. To better myself. To live a life in keeping with my highest values. Or I can give in and surrender to circumstance and situation.

Today (and most days) I choose to vote for myself. To do that I make sure I do at least these things:

- Exercise
- Journal
- Eat well
- Sleep 8+ hours
- Read
- Feel gratitude

What do you need to do to feel like you are prioritising yourself every day?